
Can stress cause us to age quicker?

Stress is a normal part of our lives and has even been essential for survival. When feeling stressed, the body goes into a fight-or-flight mechanism that prepares our body to respond to danger. However, excessive stress can take a toll on us and can impact our overall health. Constant stress is caused when our bodies [...]

Can stress cause us to age quicker?2021-12-15T10:07:12+00:00

Generational Trauma: How it impacts us and what we can do about it

What is generational trauma? Various things can get passed down from generation to generation, such as genetic conditions and physical traits. However, new studies have identified that trauma can be inherited too, known as generational or multigenerational trauma. As the name implies, generational trauma is defined as trauma that is passed down to subsequent generations. [...]

Generational Trauma: How it impacts us and what we can do about it2021-11-24T21:28:03+00:00

Are Introverts more prone to Anxiety?

Are you an introvert who’s always felt nervous, anxious or just worried for no particular reason? There are people like you in all walks of life who worry about almost anything and everything. You’re not alone. If you’re someone who has embraced their introverted nature, then congratulations! The first step to finding peace and comfort [...]

Are Introverts more prone to Anxiety?2021-06-14T02:55:47+00:00

Should companies take more responsibility for the mental health of their employees?

Are businesses actually responsible for ensuring that their employees’ mental health is sound? That is a glaring question that demands a straightforward and honest answer – ignoring your employees’ mental health and wellbeing can potentially be a socially irresponsible and financially poor decision. According to statistics released by the HSE (Health & Safety Executive), 15.4 [...]

Should companies take more responsibility for the mental health of their employees?2021-06-14T02:56:18+00:00

Is Imposter Syndrome more common among People of Colour?

Imposter Syndrome or Imposter Phenomenon was originally conceptualised in a 1978 study. The terms refers to objectively competent and high-achieving individuals who tend to downplay and undermine their own accomplishments – often attributing their success to luck rather than their own hard work, and living in fear that someone might call them out as a [...]

Is Imposter Syndrome more common among People of Colour?2021-06-14T02:56:54+00:00

The Impact of Isolation and Social Distancing on our Mental Health

Anxiety, fear and uncertainty around the pandemic have made people feel negative, anxious, and in some cases, out of control. And this, along with feelings of isolation and loneliness have only increased due to the social distancing required. The isolation and social distancing imposed by governments around the world has certainly not had a positive [...]

The Impact of Isolation and Social Distancing on our Mental Health2021-06-14T02:59:28+00:00
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